Health & Healing (While in a Lockdown)
Remember to do things that help you feel healthy, both physically healthy, and mentally healthy! These long periods indoors run against so many things that we’re familiar with. Fortunately, there are great things we can all easily do to help us feel better even while stuck at home. Here are a few ideas! Exercise and […]
Predicting 2021 – Lebanese version
Predicting the future is difficult, but training our “prediction muscles” can help us prepare for the unknown. In this tumultuous world it’s critical to be prepared, adaptable and resilient. This is especially important for entrepreneurs, leaders, and those trying to have a positive impact on their communities. Thinking ahead and planning for the future can […]
From 2020 to 2021
Every New Year is a time of transition, and for many people that brings with it a time of reflection, planning, and renewed hope. With the challenges we all faced this year, this process may be more important than most other years. To help guide people in this process, we’re happy to share this simple […]
Moving towards 2021, and asking for your advice
As 2021 approaches fast, we’re preparing to embark on an ambitious job creation and economic growth project. We hope to provide 50 enterprises in Lebanon with financial support, training, mentorship, marketing and growth support, and other ecosystem support activities. This is also part of our transition to using the Bloom* online project management and training/mentorship […]