Bloom sees “Entrepreneurship Education” as both:
1. An outcome oriented process (to create jobs, launch enterprises, and solve problems), and
2. A pedagogy of applied, participatory, real-life learning.
The Bloom Educational Pedagogy: Tech-Empowered Coaching, Mentoring, and Learning
In order to provide world-class support to people, teams, and organizations worldwide, the Bloom Educational Pedagogy is built on 4 kinds of engagement:
- Self-directed learning: When someone has a question, the first person they should ask is themselves. This also helps build strengths related to mental complexity, and the critical question: “What do I do when I don’t know what to do?”
- Expert-led larger programs: Bloom engages world-class experts to develop and lead training sessions that can involve dozens, or hundreds, or thousands, of learners.
- Small-group facilitated learning groups: Enable people to learn and share within a smaller community where everyone gets to know each other, and each other’s projects.
- Personalized mentorship and expert feedback: Bloom makes it easier for teams and mentors/experts to connect and have productive discussions, wherever they are in the world. The Bloom mentorship tool, and the platform as a whole, can be used by traditional in-person programs, fully virtual programs, or hybrid online/offline programs.

What Gets Measured, Gets Done
Bloom developed a tool called the MDAT (the Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Tool) and the MDAQ (the Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Quiz) to help people and programs quantify, monitor, and improve those Character Traits and Essential Soft Skills that dramatically impact both entrepreneurial and employability success.

The MDAQ is built on top of globally validated research by external experts, plus additional elements developed in-house, and assesses:
- Character traits
- Essential (soft) skills
- Startup skills
- Startup status
Making Data Actionable
From the data derived from the MDAQ, we can filter through our Bloom Activities Database of around 800 activities to identify activities that can help teams improve their enterprise or organization, while also improving those Essential Skills areas.
The filtered Activities results are shared with the coaches and mentors, who provide an additional layer of filtering, and then using the Bloom Program Dashboard, they can share that with specific teams or a whole cohort directly through Bloom, enabling teams to view and then directly integrate those activities into their workflow. We call this “technology-empowered coaching, mentoring, and learning”, giving program managers and mentors a powerful toolkit to provide more tailored feedback and suggestions to a larger cohort of teams, and to measure results in a more precise way.
(Use of the MDAQ and Activities Database right now are limited to programs that are actively run in partnership with the Bloom core team (not yet available for “SaaS only” or “training of trainer” options). We will expand availability in the near future.)

Join us
Our work in these fields is in active development, and we welcome collaborations and support on these efforts. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.