Targeted and data-driven support to help individuals, teams, and organizations build essential soft skills for success in these fast-moving times.
Bloom is designed from the ground up to help develop critical soft skills and productivity practices that are correlated with both entrepreneurial and employability success.
We call these “Essential Skills” for people, organizations, and economies.
The top 5 skills that companies are seeking in people to hire:
- Leadership
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Time Management
- Problem Solving/ Autonomous Learning
← These skills illustrate the balance between employees as independent, autonomous contributors to the larger organizational efforts, and also as members of a collaborative effort within their team, unit, and the organization as a whole.

The majority of companies, organizations, investors, and startup accelerators agree that essential soft skills are more important than hard skills for achieving success.
Yet most of our educational efforts neglect them.
Leveraging research from companies globally, such as this research from LinkedIn, Bloom programs help people develop their “essential soft skills” in these 5 areas:
Some people call these “power skills”, and they’re important in nearly every aspect of our personal and professional lives.
Many people think these are “fixed”, people either have them or they don’t. We know from experience, and global research, that that is not true. People have remarkable ability to learn and grow. The biggest factor impacting someone’s abilities is their belief in their ability to continually improve and grow. This is referred to as a “growth mindset”, and yes, even this can be developed.
How do you rank in these skills?
Bloom is an Essential Skills development platform within a project management and productivity tool. It allows people and teams to develop those skills and strengths through real-world, applied, supported learning.
Bloom uses advanced methods for quantifying, monitoring, and supporting the development of critical character traits, essential soft skills, and enterprise growth skills that support entrepreneurial and employability success. For more details, check out Bloom’s pedagogy of entrepreneurial learning.
Join us
Our work in these fields is in active development, and we welcome collaborations and support on these efforts. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.